So now it is time to pass the love along to a few of my favorite bloggers ...
1. Mr. Brown Thumb, who was my mentor and tutor when I entered the blogosphere, he showed me kindness and a whole lotta patience (and I mean a WHOLE LOTTA patience:) while I learned my way around blogspot. Plus he has a great urban garden blog that is well worth spending time at.
2. A Peek in Priscilla's Kitchen, the adventures of a sixteen year old in her mom's kitchen is a delightful read. Check out what delicious treats she turns out.
3. Janie the Obsessive/Compulsive Plant Collector is a friend of many years. If you have a gardening question, she is the one to ask. Janie is a Master Gardener and one of the nicest people I have had the pleasure of knowing.
4. Jean, the Seed Scatterer is another friend of many years, whose gardens will simply take your breath away.
5. Lucy of Boulder Belt Blog is a market farmer who practices sustainable farming. Without the dedicated farmers like Lucy and her husband the local food movement would cease to exist.
6. Last but not least I am awarding two exceptional young women, who have filled my life with love, joy and pride ... my two daughters, Perennial Garden Lover and The Pepper Project.
Pass on the love ...