The legend of this tomato is that it was developed by M. C. Byles of Logan, West Virginia. For six years he crossed German Johnson, Beefsteak, English and Italian varieties, selecting the largest specimens. It is said that he then sold plants for $1.00 each and paid off his mortgage in six years.
The renegade rabbit ate this down to nubs last month, I placed it up on a stool and it has recovered and is doing nicely.
This is the second growth, I have already harvested and dried quite a bit and stored it in a glass jar. Since I cook with a lot of oregano, I am very glad I planted it.
Sweet Baby Girl Cherry Tomatoes
One of these little beauties was a very early girl, I ate her warm from the vine one morning. Oh yum!
The renegade rabbit ate this down to nubs last month, I placed it up on a stool and it has recovered and is doing nicely.
This is the second growth, I have already harvested and dried quite a bit and stored it in a glass jar. Since I cook with a lot of oregano, I am very glad I planted it.
One of these little beauties was a very early girl, I ate her warm from the vine one morning. Oh yum!
A sweet dark, jade-green pepper that changes to a brilliant red. I planted three pepper plants, I plan to roast them for my winter larder.
That garden of yours is rocking!!
I can not wait for my tomatoes to start turning red... Oh my, just as you, I so look forward to them each year.
Time to go out there & check on my zucchini patch... I'm expecting 1 to be ready... lets see how much it grew overnight!
Oh, what a garden you have my dear!!!
Your veggies look fantastic Mom! Wow they have really grown and everything looks so healthy and delicious! Great job!
Lucy I am going to have lots and lots of cherry maters, I have three plants going strong :) The heirlooms are suddenly exploding, so there will be no shortage of this tasty fruit!
Theresa it has been fun playing in dirt again, where there is a will ...
Hi Sweetie ... your Mama did good, huh ? Hauling water (two trips) down three flights every day is paying off :)
Everything looks so good. The giant peppers are really impressive. All in containers too, am I right? That really is something to feel good about. Congratulations!
I wish I was green fingered - I killed my basil this year
Sue .. the "magic" of close-up photography, those peppers are about 4 inches long right now :) Yes, they are all in containers.
Beth .. I am sorry about your basil, my thyme (which you notice is not pictured in this post) isn't feeling too well itself, just hasn't grown much.
So - you know, we could totally rock out some recipes w/great foods from your garden. You should invite me over! You provide the garden stuff and whatever we need from the market, my treat!
Hi Darius
Sounds great Darius ... and you will do the cooking right :)
I have a little renegade tomato plant that produces tiny, tiny tomatoes. They're about the size of a marble. I call it my "snack plant" as they're really not enough for much, but make great snacks while I'm out working in the yard. Love those warm-right-off-the-vine maters!
Good job on all the hard work!
P.S. What's a winter larder????
Hi Kathy
My "winter stash" :) I hope to have enough maters and peppers to roast and save for later sauces, soups etc.
cinnamon basil!! i want some!! i've never heard of such a thing, but what a notion. :)
big bertha's looking pretty good too. :)
Hi Grace
I bought some CB at a farmers market last year, it was a little pricey, I will have my own this year :)
Yep .. BB is doing very well!
Your garden looks beautiful! You really have a green thumb! For some reason, some of my basil has black spots on it and tiny holes. I'm so sad about it, any ideas why?
Marie, I was having the same problem w/my mint.
Here's what I tried & it seems to have worked.. in a spray bottle add 2 c. water, 1 tbs. LEMON scented liquid dish soap. Shake up & spray the tops & under the basil leaves after the sun has gone down; or early in the AM before sun is on the plants... repeat for about 3 -4 days.. hope that helps.
Thanks Marie ... and thank you Lucy:)
I didn't know, so I asked Lucy, knew I could count on you :)
It looks like you have some tasty things coming!
Wow, your garden looks great! I like how you provided the actual name types for each of the plants. Your tomatoes are gorgeous as are the peppers. Love the name Big Bertha Peppers!
Lets hope so Kevin :)
LOL Paula .. BB will roasted and savored this winter.
A cook and a gardener? Super great!
Hi Tina
Thanks! I love your blog, and enjoyed walking through your gardens.
enjoy the bounty!!
Thanks Bee :)
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